Tagged: Tips

CAT Verbal Section Preparation

The computer-based, online Common Admission Test (CAT) “creates” a different set of questions for each candidate. Despite there being intrinsic scope for variation in this process, the CAT has attained a great degree of...

How to Get Kids Interested in School Work

Children can be hard to convince of the importance of attending school, doing additional reading and completing their homework. Most kids will go through a stage of being generally uninterested in pursuing an education...

Interview Questions and Tips

Most people’s nerves before an interview are due to the prospect of answering lots of tricky questions from an interviewer they think is out to trip them up. This is definitely not true. You...

Improve Reading Skills

Helping Your Child Improve Reading Skills

Reading is the foundation of a life filled with learning and understanding of the world. What a gift it must be then, to instill love for reading in your child. If you are able...

Astronomy For Kids Education Tips

Nearly any child is interested in looking at the stars. Being in the position to learn astronomy online is something special which a mere decade in the past was not even available. Let’s check...

Few Tips For SAT Test Preparation

SAT test will test your strengths and weaknesses. If you wish to prove your best you will have to be ready with your test prep. Hence, it is important that you go through several...