Mass Communication Courses Institute In Delhi

Media in all its form, print or electronic, is a mirror of the times and society we live in. It connects us to the world and the world to us. We know about the people and happenings of other places and countries, as they know about us through the picture created by the media. Media can make or mar one’s image. It inspired and ignited the freedom struggle and it inspired and coaxed the citizens to come out and vote. It brought out the barbaric tradition of honor killings from the quiet villages to the national limelight and also brought shame to many a celebrity! But an unfettered press without ethical concerns can be a threat to a free society and to its very independence. 


Media and Entertainment industry is one of the most flourishing sectors in India. The Indian Media and Entertainment industry grew from Rs 35,300 crores to Rs 43,700 crores during the year 2005-06. The liberalization of the media sector has opened up the gates of opportunities and growth. India is witnessing a revolution in this sector with the emergence of new technologies. Many companies are taking initiatives to set up digital theatres, multiplexes, etc. 


India is emerging as a global destination for the Media and Entertainment players because of the following reasons:


1.The number of channels is increasing day by day.


2.India is emerging as one of the world’s largest markets for digital and mobile music.


3.Entry of private sector companies and increasing FDI and FII.


4.The concept of crossover movies and crossover audience is also gaining momentum.


5.The Indian Media and Entertainment industry is also making its presence felt in the global market with its movies and music. 


6.India’s large pool of creative skills and growing domestic market for animation and special effects industry.


Piracy and violation of intellectual property rights have posed a major threat to the Media and Entertainment companies worldwide. Lack of quality content has also become a major area of concern for the Media and Entertainment companies in India. 


Given the high rate of economic growth and technological developments, Indian Media and Entertainment industry is poised to register a tremendous growth in the coming years. 


Media is an integral part of our life. In today’s world, where one’s social circle is mostly just work related, based on some or the other selfish motive, we tend to believe and depend more on the media for every type of information. Media thus has tremendous impact on the way a society conducts itself in the present, as well as the shape it would take in the future. It influences people of all age group. In such a scenario the social responsibility of media becomes very important. It has the power to change the society and therefore ethics becomes very important. It has to rise above TRPs and monetary benefits and be a true guide for the society.


About The Author

Media in all its form, print or electronic, is a mirror of the times and society we live in. It connects us to the world and the world to us. We know about the people and happenings of other places and countries, as they know about us through the picture created by the media. Media can make or mar one’s image.


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