Monthly Archive: November 2013
Netraheen Vikas Sansthan (Blind School Jodhpur-Rajasthan-India) is working for rehabilitation of blind students since last 31 years in Suncity Jodhpur by providing free education with boarding and lodging facility separately for boys and Girls....
School council is the group of elected students for proper and channeled presentation of students views. Thus, it carries the responsibility of creating a valued and positive impact in improving school environment, student-teacher relationship,...
The inter-linkages between society and education work both ways. While we all know of the impact of education on society, let’s also examine the impact of society on education. Education is influenced greatly by...
A full tuition college scholarship is the dream of most high school seniors or recent graduates. A full ride gives the student the ability to pursue a college degree without worry or concern about...
When it comes to college, many young people feel as though they do not need it in order to make a good living. As the young people grow and become adults, it is soon...
When you head off to college, it’s the place you’re going to be spending the next four years of your life living, studying and making new friends. With thousands of colleges to choose from,...
Multiple-choice questions (MCQ’s) play an important role in testing and are among the most widely used of selection-type items on examinations today. The popularity of the MCQ stems from the fact that they can...
Confused whether to go for an MBA or not? Wandering whether your MBA degree will fetch you good job in today’s crunch or not? Then here’s a hard piece of truth for you- the...
Before tackling the issue of how to solve a quadratic equation, it is important to be able to identify one! A quadratic function is any function in which the power of the leading coefficient...
You have been a good student of English as a foreign language. You’ve worked hard and studied English since you were at school. You have taken courses and passed lots of important English language...