The History of Indian Currency

The Indian rupee is the official currency of the Republic of India. A currency symbol is a graphic symbol used as a shorthand for a currency’s name, especially in reference to amounts of money. Indian currency symbols is sign: ₹ ; code: INR. The rupee is subdivided into 100 paise (singular paisa), though as of 2011, coins of denomination 25 paise and less are no longer legal tender. The Reserve Bank manages currency in India.

The values of the subdivisions of the rupee during British rule (and in the first decade of independence) were:

1 rupee = 16 anna (later 100 naye paise)
1 ardharupee = 8 anna, or ​1⁄2 rupee (later 50 naye paise)
1 pavala = 4 anna, or ​1⁄4 rupee (later 25 naye paise)
1 beda = 2 anna, or ​1⁄8 rupee (later equivalent to 12.5 naye paise)
1 anna = ​1⁄16 rupee (later equivalent to 6.25 naye paise)
1 paraka = ​1⁄2 anna (later equivalent to 3.125 naye paise)
1 kani (pice) = ​1⁄4 anna (later equivalent to 1.5625 naye paise)
1 damari (pie) = ​1⁄12 anna (later equivalent to 0.520833 naye paise)
1 rupee = 16 anna
1 Athanni (dheli) = ​1⁄2 rupee
1 Chawanni = ​1⁄4 rupee
1 Dawanni = ​1⁄8 rupee
1 Anna/Ekanni = ​1⁄16 rupee
1 Taka/Adhanni = ​1⁄32 rupee
Paisa = ​1⁄64 rupee
Dhela = ​1⁄128 rupee (​1⁄2 paisa)
Pie = ​1⁄3 paisa = ​1⁄192 rupee
Damari = ​1⁄4 paisa = ​1⁄256 rupee.

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