Pre School –A Foundation that Builds Child’s Future

PreschoolSomeone has rightly said, till a mother doesn’t cut her emotional umbilical chord, a child will never step ahead with confidence. And this is where the Pre School concept has stepped in to build that assurance in both – child as well as the mother. And it explains why Pre Schools have gained a lot of momentum and popularity in recent years. It is an environment, which follows a set curriculum but does not let the child feel that he/she is studying in a strict school atmosphere. Subjects like Art, Languages and Mathematics are introduced through objective means or play-way methods. Making a child comfortable without the mother and making him/her enjoy the school environment is the most important objective Pre Schools follow.

A Pre School works towards shaping the overall personality of the children while preparing them for higher classes and nurturing them to be good human beings. Apart from age appropriate development through their curriculum, Pre Schools also organize extra-curricular activities like story time, yoga and sports, art and crafts, cooking sessions, music, dance, theatre and so on to achieve this goal. And parents do experience a remarkable improvement in their child’s personality, communication and confidence levels.

Apart from teachers/ facilitators these schools also have attendants, a medical room, rest rooms and cafeteria to take care of a child’s daily needs. Some also provide lunch and transportation facilities to children. Depending upon your schedule and the child’s needs, you have an option of choosing whether you wish to drop the child to school yourself or send the child by school transport.

While selecting a Pre School for your child, it is necessary to keep a few important points in mind. When you visit the facility, talk to the Director and teachers, who would be interacting with the child on a day-to-day basis. See if the classrooms are designed keeping the age of the child in mind, whether they are equipped with appropriate facilities. Also check the rest-rooms, dining and extracurricular activity rooms and check whether your child is satisfied and happy being there. Ask every question which occurs to you because you should not be burdened with thoughts of your child’s safety, happiness and progress later.

Since the Pre School one chooses for their child would have a lasting impression upon the child’s life, it is necessary to go for the one that has proved to follow an excellent developmental and care system. This foundation would decide what impression a child carries along as he/she grows up. It would also mean that the impact would continue upon his/her friends circle, interests, thoughts, and decisions and in a nutshell, the child’s entire future.

Deciding upon a Pre School is a big decision and a great task too. Before selecting one, parents should be clear about what they are looking for in a Pre School. Do they want their child to develop appropriately while away from home in a safe and secure environment so that working mothers can have some time to pursue their goals? Then a child care centre or day-care would be a better option for such parents. Since it’s a question of your child’s future, a well-researched approach is a must!

Article Source:articlebiz

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