Home School Fieldtrips for the Best Learning Experiences

Homeschooling is great to bond with your child, and give them the experiences that you want them to experience while children. You can teach them your values and not have they learned values from someone else’s point of view. One of the other great benefits of homeschooling is that you can also go on many field trips and have them get hands on experience.

Why are taking many field trips better for children to learn? Well if you think back on your childhood, what days do you remember better? Was it the days when you took a field trip in school or days where you sat at the desk and read out of a book? Like most of us, we remember days when we went on field trips, or took family trips. Your children will too.

How to get the most learning experience out of a field trip? Before going on a field trip you will want to give a few lessons about things that they will see or experiences that they will have. If you are going to a historical place have them research about what happened there many years ago, then when they get to the place they will understand more about why it’s a special place.

When going on a field trip with your children, you will want to give them notebooks to jot down notes, or papers that you have wrote out questions on so that they can answer them while they are there. Give them a cheap digital camera so that they can take photos of things that they see there. Once you get back home you can reinforce the lessons about the place you went to, have them print off some of the photos that they took and have them make a little memory book about the adventure so that they can remember it years from the adventure.

Homeschooling field trips are a great way to enjoy things with your children and make it a learning experience. Your children will benefit from spending time with you and learning at the same time. They will learn better and retain what they have learned when they experience it hands on.

When homeschooling always take as many field trips as you can and start creating learning memories as a family this is one part of homeschooling that you will not want to miss out on, the field trips are the best part of learning.
About The Author

Jackie Chapman home schools and has learned from trial and error what works best and how children learn the best when you are homeschooling.

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