Foods That Fight Spring Allergies

Thanks to climate change, every season of allergies is the worst. Warmer temperatures advance the springs and make allergy seasons longer. Even higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have made pollen more potent. This year is no different.

The good news is that natural allergy relief is within reach on your refrigerator: Foods rich in vitamin C and folic acid help reduce inflammation associated with allergic reactions, and several studies have found that some herbs are as effective as high-cost drugs. Include foods rich in vitamin C (such as citrus and broccoli) in your diet as a natural and effective way to alleviate allergy.

This precious vegetable serves two purposes in annihilating your allergy symptoms. It has a high content of vitamin C and is a member of the cruciferous family, plants that have been proven to clean blocked nasal sinuses. Researchers have found that taking about 500 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C a day can help alleviate allergy symptoms, and a cup of raw broccoli contains about 80 mg.

To reach that level of 500 milligrams of vitamin C from natural food sources, you can also turn to oranges grapefruits, lemons and limes. A large orange contains about 100 mg of C, while half of a large grapefruit contains about 60 mg. Do not just admire the kale as a garnish. Eat it, as it is excellent against allergies as if broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family. It is also rich in pigments that help in the fight against allergy symptoms.

You cannot talk about natural allergy remedies without talking about nettle, which helps eliminate the inflammation that occurs when you experience allergy symptoms. Nettle contains histamine the chemical the body produces during an allergic reaction, so it helps you acquire tolerance. You can compare nettle capsule supplements at your health food store, and take three times a day in times of allergy. That is the best way to alleviate allergy, but long-term use is not recommended as it can deplete your potassium stores.

Does this plant really work? Science says yes, although its use is not recommended for young children, people over 65 or those with allergies to ragweed. An analysis of six British studies found that butter bur acts as an allergy reliever and five studies supported the claim. But the roots of this perennial shrub generally contain high levels of these alkaloids which can damage the liver.

Swiss and German researchers found that butter bur is as effective as an antihistamine after two weeks of treatment. It has also been shown to relieve sneezing, itching, runny nose, congestion and tearing of the eyes in as little as five days.

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