CBSE Board Exam Preparation Tips & Strategies

CBSE Board Exam Preparation Tips & StrategiesIf you’re getting confused between what subject to study first, what to study next, what topics to cover and what topics to skip, let us tell you that you’re not alone! This confusions stage would have happened at least once in the lifetime of every student! Here’s a small comprehensive study guide which’ll bring some clarity to your confused mind! So let’s get started!

1. Know your syllabus and know the importance of each topic from different subjects

There are many subjects and many topics and sub topics under each subject. This creates touch confusion among students and we have to admit that it’s not always possible to study each and every bit of all the subjects. The truth is you don’t have to study every single topic of every single subject! Know the syllabus and divide the topics and sub topics according to their importance. The best way to do this is to make bar graphs which will provide you deep insights on what topics have greatest priority. So this helps you in prioritising the topics and you can study these subjects accordingly.

2. Divide the study time table

Never make the mistake of studying one subject entirely and only then moving onto the other. What you have to do is very simple! You just have to make a time table by giving space for different subjects. You can couple an easy subject with the one that you find slightly difficult and so on. This will avoid boredom and you won’t be lagging back in any subject.

3. Time management

Time management plays a major role while you’re preparing for your exams. Everyone’s got the same amount of time but the difference between a topper and a middle class performer lies in the time management. You need to allocate time not equally, but according to priority to different subjects because while some subjects are found extremely easy others are quiet difficult. There’s no point in studying topics that you’re already a master at! So divide the time according to your understanding of the subject!

4. Practice previous year examination question papers

Practising previous year question papers will boost your confidence and it’s one of the best ways to get acquainted with the question paper pattern. This will prevent shocks and surprises in the exam hall. Practising a good number of 6 to 10 previous year question papers will help you a lot in many ways! CBSE exams usually follow the similar question paper patterns and knowing these patterns well in advance will give you an edge in the exam hall as your mind is already trained to know what’s going to come up after what with respect to chapters!


Hey, I’m Abhijit. Living in Mumbai and a teacher by profession. I am a fan of photography, technology, and education. I’m also interested in web development and reading. This blog will help you in prioritising the CBSE class 12 topics and you can study these subjects accordingly.

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