Category: Kids & Teens

Martial Arts Drills For Kids

Martial Arts drills for kids develops the identical kind of muscle memory. Initially in a significantly simpler way with individual and then linked moves. The simple act of being pushed and stepping back into...

Eco Friendly Playground Design

The last thing on any child’s mind as they are happily playing on climbing frames and swings is whether their playground equipment is having a detrimental effect on the environment, and therefore their future...

Ending Child Labour

Your Nike shoes that cost you 150 dollar and your 70 dollar pair of Levi Strauss jeans were most likely made by a young person from the age of 5-14 living in Indonesia, Honduras,...

Military High Schools

When you hear the words military high school, you already know it is a high school that has a military element to it. Most people know all about high school as the place where...

The Importance of Play

For children, play is naturally enjoyable. And since it is their active engagement in things that interest them, play should be child-led, or at least child-inspired, for it to remain relevant and meaningful to...

Multiculturalism in School Curriculum

What is multiculturalism in school curriculum? Personally, I disagree with the many teachers today who are pushing the notion that in order to teach multiculturalism in school curriculum, teachers must actually move away from...