College Admissions Tips for Home Schooled Students

Just because you are a home schooled student doesn’t mean that you can’t get into the college of your choice. The prejudice against home schooling is changing rapidly as more parents choose to home school their children for a variety of reasons. Advocates of home schooling say that it has several advantages to traditional classroom settings, such as the ability to individualize the learning curriculum and provide immediate, personalized schoolwork help. Colleges are quickly realizing that some of the brightest young minds today have been home schooled and are looking for ways to compare them against more traditionally educated students.

Because grading is very different for home schooled students, college administrators are looking for other tools to help compare applicants. An SAT diagnostic test is one way to help provide a form of comparison — a standardized test such as this can help show admissions boards if a student has completed the rigorous academic training and possesses the critical thinking skills needed to excel at their university. Many tutoring franchises can help home schooled students prepare for such standardized tests. Although their parents or other home schooling experts can provide them with a quality education, experts in how standardized tests work are best suited to prepare students to succeed and get the highest scores possible.

College admissions officers are also looking at other, more subjective ways to compare home schooled students to their more traditionally schooled counterparts. In many cases, the college admission essay is a valuable tool in making admissions decisions. The admission essay helps college administrators go beyond grades and test scores and understand what makes a student tick. In many cases, college admissions advisors want to know more about a student’s potential to become a successful student and graduate than about past achievements.

Home schooled students sometimes shy away from talking about their educational background because they are concerned it will reflect poorly on them. However, it is a unique aspect of their lives, and exactly the type of thing they should be writing about in their essay. Unique, intriguing content is what will grab the attention of an admissions counselor and make their essay stand out from the pack. Many services can provide admission essay help to give home schooled students the guidance to best use their unique schooling experience to their advantage.

About The Author

Sarah Michaels is the General Manager at C2 Educate offers personal tutoring and enrichment services for students, including algebra tutoring, SAT prep help, AP test help, ACT test preparation, and PSAT prep.
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