Learning Tips for Students
Long ago, there was a time, when parents told children to read slowly and loudly to understand everything they read. A lot of things have changed. Today’s children have bigger syllabi to learn. Now,...
Examination Tips / Self Improvement
by CBSE Guess · Published January 26, 2009 · Last modified March 15, 2018
Long ago, there was a time, when parents told children to read slowly and loudly to understand everything they read. A lot of things have changed. Today’s children have bigger syllabi to learn. Now,...
Learning a second language can be a very stressful and arduous task if you let it. Somehow, the words you learn in the books don’t seem to apply very well to real life situations....
Foreign Languages / Special Education
by CBSE Guess · Published January 26, 2009 · Last modified December 29, 2009
Provide a fun learning environment while teaching Spanish for children and toddlers. Is it worth the extra money to purchase an elecgtronic dictionary with sound? The following comments have specific reference to learning Spanish...
Scrabble was a tradition in my family. From the time I could barely see the board from my vantage point at the edge of the table, I witnessed the subtle strategies used by my...
All parents desire that their children share their problems with their parents. However, many children do not share the same desire. Why does such a situation arise? It is very often painful for children...
Children can experience learning problems because of several reasons. Some children excel at studies while others strive hard. In this article, we discuss the different behavioural and learning problems that students aged 5-15 face....
For many years at SuperCamp, parents would ask us if we could start a program for them, to help them learn what their sons and daughters are learning at SuperCamp. In response, we started...
For children, play is naturally enjoyable. And since it is their active engagement in things that interest them, play should be child-led, or at least child-inspired, for it to remain relevant and meaningful to...