Career As A Food Scientist – A Thorough Discussion

Production managers, supervisors and research directors are possible positions a food technologist can eye for. As the world is moving towards a healthier lifestyle, research and development related jobs for food scientists are growing. Colleges and universities have career placement cells that help students with initial employment aspects.

All in all, as a food scientist, career choices and profiles meet effectively.The basic job responsibilities of a food scientist involves working on improvements in freezing, caning, storing, processing, caning, distributing and packaging food.

Employment Outlook

The research and development departments of food processing companies hire the services of food scientists mostly. Even processing plants employ food scientists in quality and control departments. Teaching is also a scope but to a lesser extent. Often known as food technologists, they enjoy decent pay scales in the government sectors.

Sales and marketing also forms scope for food scientists. They are also referred as food graders and food inspectors, mostly while working in the public sectors. Food based laboratories also require their services.

Diary Technologists

Food scientists working in the diary based industries are often referred as dairy technologists; these industries call food scientists as diary technologists even while promoting job openings.

Roles and responsibilities of a food technologist include:

Working on the ways to find processing food with the intention of retaining most of the food nutrients.
Studying the effects of food addictives.
Working towards developing sanitation methods.
In quality control modes: inspecting raw ingredients for freshness
Working towards finding new sources of protein.
Studying and working on the flavor, appearance, and texture aspects of processed food products.
Being a part of various levels of research in the food processing field.
Also, they are required to confirm that processing operations are carried out as per the government regulations.

Educational Requirements

A bachelor’s degree in food technology is the basic requirements of being a food technologist. Courses in diary technology are also available in many colleges and universities. Masters and doctoral degrees or considerable years of experience are required to work in research and development positions. Study and research in the fields of nutrition, biology, chemistry and other food related aspects forms the core curriculum.

Career Scope

Production managers, supervisors and research directors are possible positions a food technologist can eye for. As the world is moving towards a healthier lifestyle, research and development related jobs for food scientists are growing. Colleges and universities have career placement cells that help students with initial employment aspects.

All in all, as a food scientist, career choices and profiles meet effectively.

Author’s Resource Box

All the career choices and profiles as a food scientist fall in the correct order when experience gets added to your education. Subscribe to a career based portal to get more information on aspects like specialization, certifications, pay scales, employment opportunities, career scope etc

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