Entrance Exams Details in India

Nowadays, education institutes take students on the basis of their abilities such as understanding of concepts, sharpness of mind and knowledge; therefore, they launch common exams for all students. These common exams are specially designed to test special characteristics of student and are often called Competitive exams or Entrance Exams because they create lots of competition among students. Through competition exams, institutes are able to choose cream of students. So, they find competitive exams as best method to find best students among all.

Now question arises, how to prepare for such type of exams? You may hear about students which study whole year but still not selected and many such instants. Actually, what happens is these students do not have a proper strategy to prepare for competitive exams. Competitive exams are completely different from school or university exams. Competitive exams are different from other exams because with such type of exams, institutes want to test not only your knowledge but also your concepts, common sense for subject and sharp mind; therefore, students which dependent on knowledge only, cannot be selected for competitive exams.

I have read somewhere that your mind should be God Gifted to clear Competitive Exams. Yes, it is true that God Gifted people such as Newton, Einstein are superior to us but everybody, selected in entrance exams, is not Newton or Einstein. A normal human mind can easily clear competitive exams but you have to modify some basic strategies regarding preparation for exams. These strategies are listed below:

1. Exam Dates: Continously Check the entrance exams date so that you can prepare accordingly and give adequate time to each subject.

Please check http://www.prepareyourexams.com for this.

2.Self Belief: You should believe in yourself and your abilities. You should believe that you belong to the competitive arena and you can clear these competitive exams if you can perform to best of your abilities. Belief is everything and everything can be achieved through belief. There is a famous quote: The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

3. Knowledge: Knowledge is a necessary element to clear competitive exams. You should have proper knowledge about your concepts. We don’t have to acquire extra knowledge, as conceptual knowledge is needed for competitive exams. We can prefect our conceptual knowledge by practicing questions based on these concepts.

4. Time Management and Data: We have to study minimum of 4 hours a day for competitive exams. We can manage this time by preparing timetable for each day. We also have to record weekly data, which ultimately helps in representing our performance graphically. We can take inputs such as time for each subject, part of syllabus completed, time for revision, questions attempted and so on to record data.

5. Sharpness: Sharpness of mind is mandatory for competitive exams. A sharp mind has many advantages such as concept understanding, quick response to a tricky question and speed. Main purpose of these competitive exams is to differentiate sharp-minded students from others. A normal mind can be converted into a sharp mind by regular brain exercises such as puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku. You can also play games such as Chess, which helps in sharpening the mind.

6. Sample Papers: Here comes my last and most important trick. The best way to perform in any exam would be to do so many similar types of such exams or Sample Papers. With the help of these sample papers, our mind is able to build so many stragies and tricks about particular type of questions, which ultimately helps us during Entrance exams. They have huge advantage as you can feel the mental atmosphere similar to that in competitive exams through these sample papers. Attempting so many sample papers helps in mental coherence during main exams. Sample Papers also helps in achieving a hard, stable concentration during competitive exams.

Hope these methods can help you some way. You can comment if you have any doubts.

Thank You!

Nitin Aggarwal
About The Author

The author is B.Tech, MS from BITS-PILANI and have more than 20 years of experience of teaching students for various entrance exams preparation like engineering, medical and runs one of the top 5 coaching institute.


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