Category: Health

Healthy Eating for Kids

Encourage kids to eat vegetables Make sure your veggies taste good – cook them until just firm, not mushy. Finish them with a splash of olive oil or top with a little grated cheese....

Fall Asleep Faster and Sleep Better

Everyone needs their sleep. Good sleep reduces stress, recharges and repairs your body, makes you more alert, and just makes you feel good. For most people an average of seven to nine hours on...

Managing Over sensitive Teeth

Most people with sensitive teeth encounter pain or discomfort right after ingesting cold or hot foods. A person may feel pain from eating sweets or during cold climate. Constant sensitive teeth needs to be...

New Apple Ingredient Discovery Keeps Muscles Strong!

Natural Component of Apple Peels Found To Help Prevent Muscle Weakening. In search of an effective method to prevent muscle wasting that comes with illness and aging, researchers have located a natural compound that...

Yoga for Mom, Dad and You

Practicing yoga at an early age is a good habit and will keep you away from any health problem at a later stage in your life. It helps you to overcome many health problems,...