Tagged: students

Indeterminate forms in Mathematics

An indeterminate form in mathematics is an algebraic expression whose value cannot be determined definitely. There are 7 known indeterminate forms, which are : 00, 0/0, 1∞, ∞ − ∞, ∞/∞, 0 × ∞,...

Kids Books: Reading Checkup for Developing Readers

How are your children developing as readers, and what can you do to help? Use RIF’s series of Reading Checkups to evaluate your children’s progress through six stages of reading development, from picture-pointing to...

How to be a good Public speaker?

A well known saying says that who cannot listen, cannot be a good speaker. It is true to a large extent because now the people lack this skill. Public speaking is an art that...

Advantages And Disadvantages of Examinations

The word “examination” is night terror in the lives of the students. They bring along with them a lot of tension, frustration and anxiety. It is well known to all that if the students...

5 Ways to Use GPS on Your Smartphone

The invention of GPS system has been affected so many things. Initially, the use of GPS was limited to the defence department, but later it is available for public use. And It enhances the...