Basic Principles of Parent-Child Communication

Cute Dad Parent Child Beauty Daughter FamilyAs a parent, raising children has both its rewards and its pitfalls. I have four of my own, and each one has their own unique traits and ways of being. Sometimes they are sweet, open, and honest. Other times, my nerves are being tested in ways I never knew possible. But my commitment is solid: Raise children that understand the importance of interpersonal communication. This means understanding the importance of feelings as well as logic when it comes to communicating with others, especially family.

So, whether your children are just learning to speak or have grown past their teenage years, they want and appreciate your attention. Remember that communication starts with YOU, the parent, not with your child, and while you may feel all is lost, at times, just know that being consistently persistent will bring about the desired result: Open and honest communication that is respected, revered, and admired. Here are a list of things to keep in mind to foster a healthy line of communication, whether in person, or through the hi-tech world:

1) Let your child know that you are interested and involved and that you will help when needed.

2) Turn off the television or put the newspaper down when your child wants to converse.

3) Avoid taking a telephone call when your child has something important to tell you.

4) Unless other people are specifically meant to be included, hold conversations in privacy. The best communication between you and your child will occur when others are not around.

5) Embarrassing your child or putting him on the spot in front of others will lead only to resentment and hostility, not good communication.

6) Don’t tower over your child. Physically get down to their level and then talk.

7) If you are very angry about a behavior or an incident, don’t attempt communication until you regain your cool, because you cannot be ob