Few Tips to overcome examination anxiety
Make a time table for a regular study or revision of minimum 6-8 hours daily. Do not study at a stretch, take a few minutes break.
Time management is very important. Learn to time yourself simulate examination situations while practicing.
Writing practice should be done by solving different questions.
Relaxation-practice deep breathing , yoga or any other relaxation technique to improve concentration.
Quickest and most effective way of eliminating stress is to shut down your eyes and take deep breaths.
As far as possible continue with the normal routine of sleeping and eating . A balanced diet will boost energy.
Regular and moderate exercises reduce stress by relaxing tensed muscles.
Take help of the teachers and parents from time to time.
Believe in yourself and prepare well.
Never fear exams, avoid panic.and most important, do not worry about your results. Give your best shots and move over.
Students may also practice from the Sample Question Papers brought out by the CBSE, Marking Schemes performance analysis which analysis common mistakes committed by the students and provides remedial measures.
Submitted by : Mr. Arpit Sikri
email: [email protected]