Landmark Education’s Success

Landmark Education is indeed one of the many personal training and development programs out there. However, their results cannot be termed as being average. If you simply Google the miracle that is Landmark Education, you are bound to come across one or perhaps even more of the success stories that have been inspired by the teaching that is part of Landmark Education’s coursework.

 One such success story is the Panda Restaurant Group, one of the fastest growing private retail outlets in the U.S. Panda restaurants have an annual revenue income of over a billion dollars which according to Andrew and Peggy Cherng (the company’s co-CEO’s), is partly due to the training they have received from the Landmark Education’s curriculum work. Even though the United States economy has been dealt a hard blow in the past, making it hard for businesses such as Panda, the company has managed to stay afloat and still achieved financial success. According to the group’s leadership, by attending Landmark Education’s seminars, they have been able to learn traits that have kept them in business.

 This is evident in the annual meetings that are held by the two CEO’s and their managers. Instead of having the conventional company meetings, the forums involve standing in front of the large conference and sharing in an open manner, failings that revolve around both personal and business endeavors. Most of these ‘confessions’, are therefore heartfelt, and it is not much of a surprise to see a team leader shed a tear or two as they speak of those moments in life that have affected their success. Afterwards, as each team leader returns to their seat, they are hugged by their colleagues. The environment in these meetings might wrongly give the impression that they are family gatherings and not corporate events.

 Something that stands out is that all the managers present have attended not just the Landmark Forum but also other seminars offered by Landmark Education; Landmark Advanced Course and the Landmark Communication Course. It is no wonder then that this casual fast food restaurant has grown into the gigantic business it has become.

 With every word that Mr. Cherng speaks, he makes it quite certain that the prosperity of his business would not have come about easily without attending the Landmark Education seminars.

 The wonderful results that have been churned out by the Landmark Education in the past have inspired mixed reactions among people. For this reason independent researchers have taken it upon themselves to prove whether the Landmark Education is a hoax or the real deal. The studies showed that seven out of a probable 10 people that attend the Landmark Education seminars and go through the programs flagship program, Landmark Forum, reported to have increased the quality of several aspects of their lives. This increment spanned both personal and business aspects of their lives. Whereas some of them claimed to have had a breakthrough in their relationship with other people, others claim to have been able to increase their incomes by a huge margin. Others even went ahead to establish successful companies.

 It is of no doubt that Landmark Education is not your average personal training and development program.

 About The Author

Govind Agarwal is the author of this article on Landmark Education.  Find more information on Landmark Forum here. The author invites you to visit:

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