Tagged: Better Learning

Medical Entrance Exam

Medical Entrance Exam- The Key to Your Success

Medical is the dream career for many students in India.The student who wants to pursue Medical degree in the best Medical Institute can attend the medical entrance examinations conducted in India.The examination is conducted...

Create Your Own Greeting Cards

The means are concentrated along two concepts: first, you get to include as many images as you like, and secondly, you can play with the predefined templates and clipart elements to reach the perfect...

Google Earth Lessons

Have you used Google Earth to sanction the highest quality teaching and learning within your classroom? Or have you challenged your students to use Google Earth to answer new innovative and thoughtful questions? If...

7 Tips to study less and learn more

1. Study in 25-30 minute sessions For the academic, there is nothing less effective than studying in “marathons” for long hours without pause. This statement is based, in addition to his personal experience and...


Confidence is King

Confidence and self belief allow you to do more of what you want to do. Are you content with every aspect of your life? Is there a part of your life which you would...