Category: Others

Alternative Medicine Education in India

India is home to different alternative and complementary treatment streams. The main among them are Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Siddha, followed by Unani, Naturopathy, Yoga, etc. Before the advent of Allopathy into the land by...

Indian Education Services – A Hot Opportunity

The Indian education system is seeing an impressive growth since independence. From just 0.1 Million in 1947, enrollments in the country have grown to more than 11 Million in 2005-06. The education system in...

Social Working In Rajasthan

Netraheen Vikas Sansthan (Blind School Jodhpur-Rajasthan-India) is working for rehabilitation of blind students since last 31 years in Suncity Jodhpur by providing free education with boarding and lodging facility separately for boys and Girls....

Impact of Society on Education

The inter-linkages between society and education work both ways. While we all know of the impact of education on society, let’s also examine the impact of society on education. Education is influenced greatly by...

Paying For School With Scholarships

A full tuition college scholarship is the dream of most high school seniors or recent graduates. A full ride gives the student the ability to pursue a college degree without worry or concern about...